Our Accreditation
Our team has a wide range of professional qualifications to ensure that we are able to provide the best possible service to our clients.
Registered Specialist Contractor (Ventilation) - RSC(V)
Registered Minor Works Contractor
Registered Electrical Contractor - REC
Registered Plumbing Contractor
Life Member of Hong Kong Registered Specialist Contractor (Ventilation) Association
Member of Hong Kong Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Association
Member of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Member of Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers - MCIBSE
Member of The Institution of Plumbing
Registered Professional Engineer - RPE
Chartered Engineer - CEng.
Registered Energy Assessor - REA
Registered Licensed Plumber Class I - LP
Water Safety Plan for Building - Qualified Person
Registered of Electrical Worker
Certificate of ISO 9001
Certificate of ISO 14001