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Our News

Regularly update on the latest Jetford's news, developments and trends.

HKCT Business Awards 2023

Corphub 2023

Most Innovative Enterprise Award 2023

Main Contract for Chiller Plant Enhancement Works


Air Changes

Air change volume webinar

Representatives of our company were invited

Our company is registered specialist contractor and our representative was invited to Webinar on Registration for Air Change/ Installation of Air Purifier in Catering Business on 23 April, 2021. The Working Group briefed on the key concepts and relevant follow-up  arrangements regarding enhancement of air change of premises and  installation of air purifiers, and their queries addressed. installation of air purifiers, and their queries addressed.

To comply with the requirements on air change or air purifiers in catering premises under the Regulation, catering business operators are required to register with the FEHD on or before April 30 that the air change per hour (ACH) at seating areas of their premises has reached at least six, or air purifiers that meet the specified specifications have been installed according to the on-the-ground situation, together with a certificate issued by a registered specialist contractor (ventilation works category).

We have completed over 400 general restaurants, Bar for the certifications of Air Changes/ Installation and got highly recommends from the customers.

Audience and Lecturer

Assist schools to optimize school building ventilation conditions

Improve ventilation measures and equipment 

In view of the continuing seriousness of the epidemic, the Education Bureau has advised schools to be more vigilant and to carry out comprehensive ventilation tests for their school premises, and to take appropriate optimization measures as soon as practicable to maintain proper indoor ventilation in order to safeguard the health of students and staff.

As a registered ventilation contractor, our company can provide schools with ventilation inspection services, suggest improvement measures, purchase air purifiers, install exhaust fans, or carry out other minor improvement works to meet the relevant recommendations.

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